GeoSafe® Geothermal Fluid

Inhibited Ethyl Alcohol Based Heat Transfer Fluid
Geothermal heating systems utilize the latent heat energy of the earth in order to conserve the energy used to cool and heat residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. With a constant temperature ranging from 50-60˚ F, the upper crust of the earth’s surface provides a perfect environment for harnessing energy. Geothermal designers and technicians utilize specialized ground source heat pumps and a geothermal fluid to transfer this energy from the earth’s crust to the surface. Geothermal fluid is typically formulated from either inhibited propylene glycol or inhibited ethyl alcohol.
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is a molecule having one hydroxyl group on a 2 carbon chain, making it less viscous and providing slightly better heat transfer properties than either propylene glycol or ethylene glycol. Ethanol is a flammable liquid with a flash point as low as 13˚ C or 55˚ F. Ethanol can be obtained from petroleum (fossil fuels) or crops such as corn (renewable resource). While ethyl alcohol can be metabolized by the human body, our geothermal fluid does contain a bittering agent.
The Houghton Chemical GeoSafe® and SAFE-T-THERM® product lines play a key part in the geothermal process by supporting geothermal applications.
GeoSafe® is made from ethyl alcohol, a flammable liquid. Special handling is required to dispense this product into a geothermal system. Contact Houghton Chemical for correct handling procedures.